About Us
Since 1998, Summit Products has designed and produced only the finest accessories for motor coaches. From our humble beginning in a garage, Summit Products has grown into a company that now supplies virtually every coach manufacturer across the country from our new 70,000 Sq Ft. location in Altoona, Iowa.
Innovation has led the way. Our Body Block shield has been sought after since it was introduced because it addressed the issues customers had with other shield designs. With advancements such as the quick-release hardware, the Body Block shield became the standard.
You talk. We listen. And then what happens? More innovation! The stainless steel line of coach upgrades began with a discussion Summit Products had with a customer-driven manufacturer.
Today we produce a wide range of accessories for high-end motor coaches designed to enhance the appearance while adding grace. Non-slip edges on steps and Awning Shark for rooftops. Summit Products’ precise manufacturing methods, highest quality materials and detail craftsmanship assure you that whatever you purchase, it will fit and feel as if it was factory-made just for your coach… because it was.
Our Companies & Services
Summit Products:
Powder Coat
Summit Products:
Plastic & Metal Fabrication
RV Stainless
RV/Motorhome Armor
Prime your products with a consistent, durable finish.
Your one stop for ALL manufacturing needs.
A wide range of accessories for high-end motor coaches
Black River
Truck, UTV & B-Van Accessories
Solutions for all of your outdoor adventures in a truck, class B van, or UTV
Fresco Windows
Windows & Glass
Leader in the glass and window manufacturing sector